Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The workplace! Say hello to co-op!

Just a quick update on work (and a few pics), welcome to the next 3 months of my life - reelworks.
Outside of reelworks!And here is the rest of it.
My work station! (I have an animator's table).
They give out supplies too. I have all the blue pencils I want, a two screened MAC with intuos tablet (and free coffee and tea to boot!)
And this was my first day at training. I did 3 practice tweens for an old animation which were critiqued and reviewed by Brett. The average tweens done by an animator 3-5/hour, what I did, 3 in a day. I did better today though, I did 6 in a day. Whooo....oooo.....(meh!)

I'm supervised by Brett, the assistant animator, and also work with Bruce, the head animator, Audrey (one of the producers) and Thom (the fixer guy/digital works etc.) Everyone is really nice and fairly laid back and there'll be lots to do this summer!

If this experience has taught me anything, it's a complete new respect of animator's and the work they do. Heart the animatoooooors! (But I still am an illustrator first and foremost)!

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